
Where adequate on-site infiltration is not possible, flood risks must be mitigated by attenuating stormwater to result in adequate flood storage. The Hydro-Brake® Agile flow control is precision engineered to provide constant discharge, cutting on-site storage to a minimum while ensuring that site discharge is matched to the carrying capacity of the downstream infrastructure.


The Hydro-Brake® Agile flow control delivers effective water management for even the most exacting site conditions.



  • Surface water management and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)
  • Flood alleviation, prevention and risk mitigation
Features & Benefits

Reduce construction costs

Building flood storage leads to land-take and construction costs that are dependent on the rate at which excess water can be controlled and discharged. The Hydro-Brake® Agile flow control reduces to a minimum the amount of on-site storage required – enabling developers and construction companies to provide flood management while managing construction costs.


Meet stringent discharge consents

The Hydro-Brake® Agile flow control achieves a constant rate of discharge and therefore requires the minimum possible upstream storage. It is ideally suited to sites with stringent discharge consents where the space available for on-site attenuation is at a premium.


Future-proof your flood protection

The Hydro-Brake® Agile can be adjusted easily, enabling operators to change the system to meet differing operating conditions and ensure controlled flow and protection against flooding even if conditions change.

Specs & Guides

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